Akmaral Suleimenova completed her Master degrees in Chemistry, Material Science and Engineering, and is currently a PhD candidate of MITPortugal program in Bioengineering Systems. Her experimental work has been performed in Biomark Sensor Research group, Portugal. She is interested in the development of new nanomaterials and its application to the area of health diagnostics and, in particular, to biosensor point-of-care devices.
Selected Publications:
Bacterial nanocellulose membrane as novel substrate for biomimetic structural color materials_: Application to lysozyme sensing. Biosensors and Bioelectronics X, 2023; 100310.
Akmaral Suleimenova, Manuela F. Frasco, Francisco A. G. Soares da Silva, Miguel Gama, Elvira Fortunato and M. Goreti F Sales
DOI: 10.1016/j.biosx.2023.100310
Top soil physical and chemical properties in Kazakhstan across a north-south gradient. Sci Data 5, 2018; 180242.
Vadim Yapivev, Charles P. Gilman, Tolganay Kabdullayeva, Akmaral Suleimenova, Aizhan Shagadatova, et al.
Simmetry-breaking structural phase transitionin spin crossover complexes. Coord Chem Rev, 2015; 289-290, pp. 62-73.
Michael Shatruk, Hoa Pahn, Bruno A. Chrisostomo, Akmaral Suleimenova
DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2014.09.018